Balanced diet

10 Healthy weight loss tips

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-Posted by Preethi Rahul, Nutrition Consultant, HEAL Foundation

The festive season is round the corner, and most of us are battling against our sweet temptations on one hand, and the growing paunch on the other. Globally, 1 in 6 adults are obese and the incidence of obesity has doubled since 1980. Gaining a few kilos occasionally is not frightening but drastic weight gain is something which should not be ignored.


Here are 10 weight loss tips that will help in curbing the flab and keeping you fit.

  1. Have a hearty, nourishing breakfast everyday
  2. Do not fast or feast
  3. Variety is the need of the hour – include whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, cereals, pulses, meat and lean meat products, dairy (skimmed) to get a healthy blend of all the nutrients
  4. Limit the intake of white culprits like sugar, salt, dressings and refined flour (maida)
  5. Limit liquid calories like fruit juices, sugary soft drinks, alcohol, etc.
  6. Watch your portion size. Eat a variety of foods but ensure portion sizes are controlled
  7. Indian snacks are major culprits that cause the bulge. Choose healthier snacks like popcorn without the extra butter and salt, puffed rice, sprouts bhel, crunchy vegetables/fruits, etc.
  8. Exercise regularly. Choose an activity which you would enjoy doing to keep you motivated
  9. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day. You can also have healthy drinks like buttermilk, coconut water, green tea, clear soups, etc.
  10. Give in to your cravings once in a while. A weekly treat with a bar of chocolate or a slice of pizza or one plate of your favorite pani-puri should do the trick.

Weight loss is not magic. Diligently following a balanced diet along with regular exercise and lifestyle modification can help in healthy weight reduction.

Eat to live. Do not live to eat!