Five Ways to Hang that Hangover!

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Posted by Neha Gupta, Health Writer, HEAL India

ImageSo it’s that time of the year again, when we bid adieu to the old year and welcome the New Year with vigour and celebrations. Not to forget the endless parties and get-togethers, offering an opportunity to gorge on your favourite foods. It’s also when you let yourself go and indulge in boozing, when your spouse, parents or sibling are generous with their permissions!

But the hangover which follows the next morning after late night drinking is a wet blanket in all the festivities. So here are some ways to get rid of the hangover.

Eat your carbs

Snacking on a low fat, carbohydrate rich food like a toast or cracker in combination with some protein rich food like egg or cottage cheese helps to bring the dip in blood sugar level to normal, resolving the weakness and fatigue experienced.


Alcohol dehydrates your body which further causes nausea and dizziness the next morning. Drinking loads of water and fresh fruit juices especially tomato juice relieves hangover. Caffeine should be avoided though because it will dehydrate further.

Replenish potassium

Due to dehydration the potassium levels in the body go down, causing hangover. Indulge in potassium rich foods like banana, orange juice or green leafy vegetables to replenish your stores of potassium, helping the muscles and nerves to regain their normal functioning.

Pop half an Aspirin

A pain reliever helps to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover but do take care to eat something before taking any medication or it can cause ulcers on an empty stomach.

Last but not the least- Sleep it off

Sleeping is one of the effective treatments for a hangover. It aids the brain to function in a normal way again. Exercising like light cardio/yoga has also been implicated to cure a hangover by metabolising the alcohol in the body.

Set with these tips, enjoy the end of year with a blast and say goodbye to your hangover woes. Be healthy, be joyful and wish you a very happy new year!

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